The Artist's Doodle Circle - post a comment and your full name if you want to attend the online workshop - just click News about my workshop and comment on the bottom!

Welcome to my New Workshop

The Artists Doodle Circle

The workshop will be about learning to create art that springs from the soul and fun techniques to enjoy.

We will be Doodling on Accordion Pages. Your Doodles will show you the way your ideas will take shape and form. These pages will be covered with fun collage scraps, buttons, acrylic, Pieces of fabric mix media and more lovely goodie surprises. Make sure to have you’re your sewing machine ready for some fun stitch work. The workshop is to create what you like. Videos will be available to you about how to have fun with your pages. I will show you step by step. Don’t be intimidated. The workshop is to stimulate your own creative impulses. No experience is necessary to attend. So feel free to paint and express yourself.

Once your accordion pages are done we will turn them into an accordion wind chime pieces. 
That means at the end of your accordion booklet you can add little bells or cool charms or vintage treasures you have to make your accordion booklet special. Now, the workshop will run for a month. That also means that we will be creating four different size accordion pages that you can hang with a cord across your wall or window to décor your own home with your lovely art. Each Accordion will be different. That means for each accordion a different method will be introduced to you.

The first accordion book will be about mix media. 

Second accordion will be about words of inspiration to remind you of your own beauty and inspirational wisdom that will also remind you how important it is to play and create. 

Third accordion will be about whimsy colors only. 

The fourth accordion booklet which will be made out of canvas will be about vintage goodies and charms.

Be spontaneous in your creative approach to all your four Accordion booklets!
The workshop will take place the first week of August falling on a Wednesday. Please mark that on your calendar. You have enough time to get prepared. Registration will begin today June 25, 2012 till the july 20, 2012. Send message by writing your full name, email and comment if you want to take this class in August - at

Note: If only three people are signed up: Class will be cancelled!!!

You have today till July 20, 2012 to sign up.

The workshop is $50 dollars but payment for workshop will begin in July 20, 2012.

Once you write your name you are automatically registered

Five videos will be posted and by end of the workshop you will be given - Two original pieces from me

Now more about - The Artists Doodle Circle

In this process, you will learn about relaxation. You will learn to expand yourselves freely through the process of Doodling. Creatively, Doodling is a wonderful way to help you in your Artist’s Block. It loosens the tension and creates a positive energy flow.
Doodling is a natural skill we all knew how when we were kids. When we were introduced to paper, we automatically created scribbles and doodles. We expressed ourselves in that way without trouble.

It is a skill we were born with. All kids are Artists!
Our minds were free of fear, self – criticism and Judgement.
We had no trouble drawing and no trouble expressing.
Not only Doodling creates freedom of expression but it also creates tranquility that calms the mind. It’s a wonderful way to channel emotions more positively.

The Artists Doodle Circle

About Supplies!

Folk Paints are great and cheap

A sheet - Stonehedge 140lb cold press paper 20 x 30

I yard of Canvas

Charms, buttons and more

Torn scraps of fabric, collage, old books

Watercolor paints


Sewing machine if you have it, if not, that’s okay.

Strong long cord

Small pieces of branch sticks

Small wood clothes hangers you can get at Michael’s Craft Store or any craft store near you.

Elmer Glue works like Mod Podge and it’s cheaper! Diluted with water

Needle to poke holes at the end of your accordion page


  1. Sounds like a great workshop..
    Unfortunately, I'm travelling the first 2 weeks of August!


  2. Love to join in this workshop, hope you get the numbers

  3. Drawing is defined as the action of making marks on any surface with any mark-making material. It is clear, by this definition, that anyone can draw. If you can write your name, well then- you can draw.Robert Barnheiser

  4. great photos!!!! very country result, adore your ensemble thus stylish and lovely!!!
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