A grand new day!

done in gouache charcoal gesso kraft paper on wood block
protected with fixative and varnish

Hello Everyone!!
First, I want to say Thank You! for your support and kind wisdom. It's a grand new day and I'll tell you why that is. First, yesterday I did some reflecting and meditated. And I realized there was a problem. Lately I found myself being to caught up in the past and too far into the future and not enjoying my time here, right now. Life is so much sweeter when you are living in the now. Why worry and waste my energy! I feel if it's meant that I have a child with the man I love and adore, it will happen and if not, then that's the way it's suppose to be and I will accept it, there is always adoption. So many kids without families who need to be loved and taken care of. My significant other says that's another option. But I have faith that I can have my own someday, if all goes well. We can see an infertility specialist. One step at a time! Right now I will concentrate solely on my paintings and not on anything else. I will see thing s at a positive perspective in terms of my wanting a child. It's a grand new day!! And I will live life now and enjoy every minute of it.


  1. Great attitude...live now...the moment...it's the best time to live.

    Muchos Abrazos,

  2. I know too well that restless feeling you have if you want to start a family and it doesn't happen. It happened to me. After many tests and procedures we became committed to adoption. We were so excited as we went through all the preparations, then life threw us an unexpected curve. The same week I was going to leave for South America to adopt a baby girl, I found out I was pregnant. My doctor would not allow travel, so I didn't go. We were blessed with a precious daughter. When she was only 6 months old, I was pregnant again! What a surprise! Before I knew it, we had a third baby. It is crazy how things work out. Just be happy, relax and the answers you seek will come to you. You are right, there are many children out there who need love. Adoption is a wonderful thing--who knows, maybe you will do both!

  3. Hello, sweet friend...
    I'm glad you are feeling better--you are so wise!

    I've given you the "one lovely blog" award, because I love to visit you here. Please see my site for details...if you are interested!


  4. oh yes, i always tend to get caught up in what's past and how can i try to predict the future....i've learned that to "be here now" is the best place to be (even though it's not always easy!)! here's one of my favorite quotes: "worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength"


  5. Very wise words. I find I also waste a lot of time in the future and not in the present moment.

    I love this art piece!


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