Hello Everyone!! more whimsy paintings!! The Queen celebrates the art of being!

LoVe lOVe !!! tHIs oNe vERy MucH AnD tHe OnE bElOw It. LoVe thE cOloRs - sO vIbRANt aNd FiLL wITh LifE. I HaD SO mUcH FuN!!!!!!!!
dOnE In AcRyLiC AnD ChArCoAl On ViNcEnT RoSiNnI 140LB cOlD PrESS wAtErcOlOr PApEr 8x10
I call ThiS PiEce
The Queen celebrates the art of being!
And it goes a little like this
Feel like a Queen, act like a queen. A Queen treats herself with love. A queen enjoys what she loves. A Queen celebrates the art of being! We are all goddesses of art.

I tell you how my weekend went hmmmmm! let's see, I spend printing lots of paintings and it was fun to see how it all turned out and I was so thrilled happy and so excited about the prints. I usually do prints for myself. Then I decided why not do prints for my Etsy shop! I love to sell originals. There's a story why I love to sell original paintings. I have this theory! Well I had this theory. When it comes to buying art for myself I love owning an original piece. And it's because I'm fascinated with the feeling of texture, the whole process, the smell, the layers, the writing, the grain of paper, the paint- I mean everything! I saw a piece I Loved so much that I wanted it so bad but boo boo it was gone but there was a reproduction of it. I bought it, yes I did! I did did! When I received it a few days later, I was so happy with it - the colors were so beautiful, the image and the Story. Though I did not get to feel the gift of the artist process I was so happy with my print!!
So I changed my whole perspective on Prints. Being at the printers was an exciting experience, I sold six on that day. I'm doing a children' s book and it will be filled with reproduction from the original work, no difference - with great high quality inks. So you see, I can't be picky!! I dig it!
And what about the art lovers who want my work! I can't say no, no,no no - I say yes yes yes!
Affordable prints for everyone YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and another thing before I forget which is important, very important!!! I got to thinking this weekend about pricing! I made a few mistakes but those mistakes teach you a lot about how to go about selling your art. I live my life doing what I love it's my 7 to 8 full time job. I do nothing else but that. And I plan to stick with what I love most in life so it's important to know the business aspect of it and not settle yourself short. Being on Etsy I've learned a great deal and still learning. I love it and love that I met such wonderful artists. My original pieces will be back to their normal reasonable price- so if you can't afford an original piece - I have prints!! And if you see a piece you love that isn't printed please don't hesitate. Convo me on Etsy or by email!! Not the larger pieces- I do have a few of those in mind but for now I will start with the smaller and medium pieces.


This is another piece I created with acrylic charcoal on Vincent Rossini 140lb cold press watercolor paper -9x12
Simply adore this one too!!
Title of piece
Colores colores, millones de colores que brillan el mundo con dulcura y cuando los colores brillan con la dulcura nuestros corazones brillan con amor, mucho Amor.
Colors colors, millions of colors illuminating the world and when the colors shine it's brilliance so does our hearts with love, lots of love!!


  1. I love your work! I've bought a few prints of Originals lately, and I have to say I am very happy with them Too.
    Have a great day,
    Tracy M.

  2. Of course, these are wonderful!!! Many of us have day jobs and I admire them for doing what they love during their off hour. We are fortunate to have our days to ourselves, but we are all blessed with our talent and our passions are evident in our work. Continue having a wonderful, productive week and continue making those wonderful, colourful paintings...your work drips with your passion!

    Muchos Abrazos,

  3. Awesome that your are doing prints now! Your artwork is amazing and needs to be shared!

  4. YAY!!! Congratulations on your print production! I love your creations... each and every one... Let me go window shopping now! :) xoxoxo - Kim

  5. Hoorah! I might be able to afford some beautiful prints! (kinda broke right now...sigh)


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