
Showing posts from October, 2009

Art - a colorful symbol of spirit and culture!!

More from the only art give birth to authenticity series

Hellooooo Everyone!! These new pieces are called - Only art give birth to authenticity that is where the true self begins and never dies.

Las ninas jugando con los pajaros!

Working through things together- As a Team!

The girl who sees the beauty in all things!

The doll who lived in the attic!

Ugga ugga ugga boo, purrrrrrrrrrrr! It's Halloween!

A kiss from the fish king and Me!

A whimsy little mermaid opera act for you!

A flower for me!

More itsy bitsy lovely paintings!!

All in a state of mind series

My new home and new paintings!!

A whimsy walk!!

The sweet colors that represents my life!